Jolene Publishing



Selected Poems



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"Mornings in the Park" by Diane L. Neidhardt

Poetic descriptions. liberally interpreted, of characters, creatures, and happenings observed on morning 
walks in Atlanta's Piedmont Park during the Spring and summer of 2004. 

98 Pages, Poetry



"Travels Together" by Diane L. Neidhardt

Word picture remembrances and personal interpretations of observations from a five week trip along the 
West Coast in the Spring of 2008.

92 Pages, Poetry




"Darren Drops By" text by Diane L. Neidhardt

Original Color Illustrations by James T. Neidhardt

Bryce and Elspeth's adventure with  a mischievous, perhaps imaginary, baby dragon  as they help him find his way back home.

32 Pages, Children's book (ages 4-6)





  Last Updated 1/25/2010, DLN